A Step-By-Step Roadmap To Success

One-Stop Digital Solutions

We help businesses with their digital transformation by providing engineering and consulting services that foster competitiveness and innovation. With our solutions, you can effectively incorporate digital into your organization’s DNA by incorporating customer experience and business innovation.

Mobile App

Mobile App

Build High Performance Mobile Apps in Android and iOS Platform.

Website App

Website App

Develop Web App with Innovative Technology and Scalable.

Media & CMS

Media & CMS

Build Media Platform such as Tourism, Culture, Politics or Comedy Portal.



We help you design your Perfect Strategy to Your Digital Solution that help Your Company Grows.

Web Design

Web Design

Prior to commencing development you will see apps / web visuals, and refinement.

E-Commerce Sites

E-Commerce Sites

Just Focus on ROI, We help you create Complete E-commerce Sites.

Graphic Design​​

Graphic Design​​

Making ideas come to life. Turning imagination into reality. We help you design it all.



To understand how consumers really think and feel, it is vital to go beyond words.

Digital Consulting

Digital Consulting

We help you build strategies, build confidence, and build your business.

Rise To The Top

Increase Sales

With The Growth Of The Internet, Digital Solutions Has Rapidly Become One Of The Best Ways To Improve Sales. We will help you provide your Digital Solutions to increase your sales.

Count On Us

Digital Solution Experts

Digital Solutions enable your firm to display and manage cross-asset financial market data, news, and analytics in dynamic and intuitive ways.

Try, Try Again

Best Practices

IMPOSSIBLE AS POSSIBLE Try and try again then you will reach your goal. We will acompany you until you reach your goal.

Our Services
Our Services
Rise To The Top, Count On Us, Try, Try Again

Why Choose Us?

We Have Great Answers

User Friendly UI and UX

Your website is like a shop signboard online. If it looks bad or if it is messy, your customer will not enter your store or will leave immediately. Similarly, for your website, if you do not make a beautiful and cool UI, your customer will immediately move to another website. ‘Create a user-friendly website that is easy for customers to use’ – at Infini Solution, our designers always have this theme in mind.

Handle Difficult Programming

At Infini Solution, we do not use templates. We custom-make your website with full coding in PHP. Our programmers are highly skilled professionals. Even with difficult functions or huge systems, we have the skills to handle the challenges. For customer requests, we look for ways to realize results and propose ideas instead of looking for reasons we cannot do it.

SEO Friendly Website

A Website is not a Website if nobody sees it. We are specialist of SEO and our experts will strengthen your Website. The programming language that we use to create a website allow Google-bot to be familiar with it easily in order to attain the first search page for your website. Committed to grab your customers’ attention, we can give you more selling chances.

Full Responsive Design

No time for poor designed website. With 50% of people using smartphones, we can help your promotion with our smartphone even tablet adjusted website. Say good bye to unresponsive old-fashioned website and move to our website. With our responsive design, the appearance of your website will remain attractive though being accessed through PC, Smartphone even tablet, so it can attract more customers.

Professional Customer Support

Our Customer Support Team always responds promptly and sincerely to customers with the right answers, based on their extensive knowledge coordinated with management, designers and programmers. If you have any problem with our support, please immediately contact us. We aim to be a good partner that takes away stress and helps your business.

Results Oriented

Even with the best designed website using the newest technology, it is meaningless unless the website leads to your planned business results. It is also important that customers visiting your website should have a good impression of your products or services. ‘Create a website that contributes to the results of your business’ – At Infini Solution, this is our top priority and we are happiest when we see positive results for our clients.

Fast Loading Website

To develop fast loading Website is one of the most important element in recent years. If your content loading is slow and takes time to display, your customer will leave soon from your website even though you developed good design Website and spend much cost for marketing. We are able to optimize HTML, CSS, javascript, image and realize fast loading Website. In addition, we can develop AMP framework which giving user a smooth, load near instantly, recommended by Google.

Global Quality Website / Apps

Inspired from Japan which is considered to be a high-tech nation worldwide, we provide global quality service. Attractive design, advanced system as well as user-friendly operation have become our specialty in every website / apps we made. We also set a high standard for each of our masterpieces so that you will get our best quality product.